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Hi everyone,

I've run into an issue that I need some advise on.I am creating an animation that shows the different layers that go into the making of a bank card. In the animation each layer will build in finishing with a protective laminate layer.This is where I run into my problem.The laminate needs to sit on top of an object with a glossy material applied to but unfortunately the specular material comes out black. The object with the spec is not touching the glossy material shape, but if I move it further away then it begins to behave as expected. I really need these objects to fit as tight to each other for the animation to work.My render settings are set to PT with a specular depth of 16. Fake shadows is also ticked in the texture. I have tried this with a flat object and an object with some depth.I am working to real world scale but have experienced the same issue scaling up the scene.Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Please help.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.

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